What are dreams made of?

So I had realized for some time that I sometimes see dreams like episodes, the ones on the TV. The dream may sometimes pick up at somewhat where it left or mostly, the dream may be in an exact place I’ve been before in some other dream, yet have no connection to the other dreams in means of it’s story.

Today I saw a dream, where I could remember the place of the bathroom from my other dream, or a problem which occured on the previous dream had it’s effects continuing on my present dream. Now I must ask this important question. Am I dreaming that I saw the exact same place at another dream or am I.remembering it consciously? That is yes, at some other date, at some other sleep, I did had a dream with a similar topic at the same dream place. To resolve this problem, I may rely on my memory, but that can lead me to wrong conclusions since I don’t know how memory works when it concerns the dreams. Or the other probability may be, keeping a dream journal. So almos every time I sleep, I recollect my dreams, and if I try to recollect them, I remember them even more detailed. So by keeping a dream journal I can see if I had the dream at the exact place where I had another dream.

If it is so, if I’m really seeing different dreams at same places in a short, but not too short time interval (by this I mean ~4 months) why is this occuring? What is the explanation to this?

It doesn’t always have to be 4 months. It can be much more longer. I remember that, sometimes, I saw the exact dream I saw as a child, as a matter of fact, I can explain the surrounding where the dream took place and give you a little plot of its story as well. Even though I’m seeing the very same dream, I know that what will happen in the dream, but I can’t help it, I can’t change it. Now I must mention that I’m an oneironaut since the age of 13. That is I have lucids dreams where I am entirely aware of that I’m dreaming and I’m able to control and manipulate all the dream settings according to my desire. This does not happen to much to me though. Maybe 5 times a year now. But when I was younger, it was much more frequent than that. So why can’t I get in a lucid state when I re-see my childhood dreams, or have a dream with a same setting. I must point out that all the dream settings are different settings than the ones from the real world. That is, I see my school in the dream, I know it’s my school. But if I draw a picture of it when I wake up, or depict the setting, another person can not guess that it is the school I’m studying in right now. So they are like dream-sets. I special place where my dreams take stage. It’s pretty much like the inception movie, where they themselves created dream worlds.

So this is my question. Why do I see different dreams in same settings? Is my imagination not strong enough to basically create I new world?

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