A book on sleep: I’m ecstatic

It is 2:15 AM and I know it is a good time for me to start a blog post, and why is that? Because I’m an extreme evening type according to Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire (Horne & Ostberg, 1975).

I hesitate labeling myself as a bookworm since I do struggle with reading (why, here is the post for why) but when I find a book that tickles my insides I get all jittery and euphoric. Recently I was reading a book about introversion Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking and I thought “As soon as I finish this one, I’ll move on to a book about sleep.” Shockingly there doesn’t seem to be much written about sleep, or I’m a really bad googler. Nevertheless it’s actually nice that there is not much written, one of my dreams is to write a book, and I’d love to write one about sleep. Ok coming back to my topic, I have started reading Night School: Wake up to the power of sleep and even though I’m at page 40, I already don’t want it to end. By the time you finish reading this post, I’ll be finished reading the book because I’ll write over here as I go along with the book and publish the post when I’m done.
First of all, in the first chapter, the first page, the author has cited the Horne & Ostberg article which just flew me over the moon, I tweeted it right there and then because I’m a huge believer in chronotypes. Oh by the way if you are wondering about your chronotype, there is an AutoMEQ questionnaire online but it’s not working, so beware. If you are utterly curious about your chronotype and you feel that you’ll not be able to sleep properly until you figure it out, leave a comment, I’ll create a form for you and calculate your score (yes I will).

Also before I go on with the book, if you are interested in sleep or music or both, I suggest you take a look at this: A Composer Hopes His Music Will Put You to Sleep. I am listening to the composer through Spotify and weirdly enough whenever a song from his From Sleep album comes up (which I haven’t listened to yet) I can realize it and change it (I’m not ready to sleep yet). So it really should be working. But also I may be biased because I’m not checking the album of all the songs,it is just whenever I have a suspicion, I see that I am correct.

So the author, I am really liking his style and he is making me smile, he is making me laugh, and this is also important for a book for me. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to learn from the book, since I’ve already read stuff on sleep, I still feel like I’m chatting with a like minded stranger on a topic that interests me.

Now I’ll continue reading from page 40.


Ok I’ve finished reading the book yesterday and I did learn some stuff, I mean it was worth reading for the information as well. But I also marked names of many scientists (whom I will start stalking) names of other books, and now a have a long long list of articles.

I absolutely recommend it to everyone because we all sleep but if you don’t prefer reading non-fiction or whatever these types of books are called, you probably won’t like this as well.
I didn’t type as I went along because my PC was not available to me at all times.

From now on this blog may become more focused on sleep, I hope that I can make it worth your time.

Sleep tight folks!richardwiseman-sleepbook

Horne, J. A., & Ostberg, O. (1975). A self-assessment questionnaire to determine morningness-eveningness in human circadian rhythms.International journal of chronobiology, 4(2), 97-110.

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